Onboarding - Manually Uploading Data Files to Lotame S3


This page discusses uploading a file to a Lotame-owned AWS S3 bucket for Lotame's Onboarding BETA 

Uploading with an AWS S3 Client Application

Multiple AWS S3 applications are available to install and use. Lotame does not specifically recommend any, but the example on this page will be done with CyberDuck which has Mac and Windows apps available for download. We know this specific application will work, but we provide no guarantees about others.

Full Upload Walkthrough

Note: The below is done with the Mac version of CyberDuck, but the Windows version is very similar, so these directions should map 1:1 without issue.

  1. Open CyberDuck
  2. Make the following change in Settings just once.
    1. In the menu bar, select Settings.
    2. Select S3 in the Settings menu.
    3. At the bottom, change the Default ACL dropdown to None, as shown below.

  3. Click Open Connection
  4. Select Amazon S3 in the drop-down menu at the top of the window that pops up.
  5. Enter the following values, leaving the rest at defaults:
    1. Server: lotame-transfer-in-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com
    2. Access Key ID: <the access key provided by your Lotame Client Success rep> 
    3. Secret Access Key: <the secret key provided by your Lotame Client Success rep>

  6.  Click Connect.
  7. Once connected, click Go in the menubar of the app and then select Go To Folder.
  8. Enter the base folder provided by your Lotame Client Success rep. Then, double-click the new directory to enter it.

  9. For first time setup, you need to do the following two things. After this initial setup, these steps are no longer necessary.
    1. Create the <partner-name> folder provided by your Lotame Client Success rep. Then, double-click the new directory to enter it.

    2. Create the <feed-name> folder provided by your Lotame Client Success rep. Then, double-click the new directory to enter it.

  10. At this point, you are now in a directory named something similar to /in/<client-specific-folder>/<partner-name>/<feed-name>/. Next is to upload the file you need to upload.
  11. Right click on the app and select New Folder. And add the name of a folder with the YYYYMMDD format. Then, double-click the new directory to enter it.

  12. You must now upload the day's data files with that directory created. The data file specifications are found at this link. Note that our automation will not see and process your files if the filenames are incorrect or the YYYYMMDD.done file is missing. So please double-check before uploading. To upload, right-click on the screen and select Upload Files. Then, select the proper files to upload.


  13. Now, CyberDuck should show the files you uploaded. The process is complete at this point, and Lotame automation will begin to upload the data to the Platform.