LT.js Active Consent Guide


Lotame’s Active Consent allows clients to communicate whether user consent was obtained by passing an active consent flag directly into Lightning Tag. This article will document the implementation of Active Consent into Spherical through Lightning Tag.


  • IAB’s TCF 2.2 framework is the required methodology for signaling consent in GDPR Countries*. Contact your account representative if you cannot meet this requirement. 

  • Lotame is NOT a CMP
    • Lotame is not a system of record for consent and does not obtain consent from users or store consent for use as evidence whether a client obtained lawful consent from a user. 
    • Lotame Active Consent is a tool to instruct Lotame on when to collect and process data or not. 
  • In countries where consent IS REQUIRED under the applicable law to collect and process personal data, the partner is required to obtain end-user consent. The party calling Lotame’s code can communicate that consent was obtained by setting "lotameConsent": true when initiating the call [or communicate that consent was not obtained by setting "lotameConsent": false]. 

    • Note - The IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) can be used in the GDPR Countries 

  • In countries where consent IS NOT REQUIRED under the applicable law to collect and process the personal data being provided to Lotame, the party calling Lotame’s code is required to indicate that consent is not required by setting  "lotameConsent" : true.

Passing Active Consent Signals Into Lotame

Active consent can be easily passed directly into Lightning Tag. Use this feature to inform Lotame whether you have user consent to collect data for the current user. 

window.lotame_<lotameClientId>.cmd.push(function() {
    "lotameConsent": <true|false>

Important: If lotameConsent is any value other than true (i.e. false, blank, null, etc), Lightning Tag will NOT execute in browser or make any calls to Lotame’s servers. 

* ‘GDPR Countries’ = EEU/EEA, the UK, and Switzerland