Use Case: Sending Sightings Data Only


Clients can deliver their sightings data to Lotame’s device graph, so that their userIDs can be connected to the Lotame Panorama ID™.

Below is the description of the details needed for the segmentmembership.json.gz file to successfully transmit Sightings data to Spherical. Combine this with the Transfer Mechanisms and File specifications pages to complete the integration.

When sending Sightings to Spherical, Lotame supports the below fields to pass the appropriate information to the userID you pass.

File Specification

Core JSON Object  

For this use-case, Spherical accepts all ID Types - Customer IDs, MAIDs, CTV IDs - except TPIDs and PIDs

Key Data Type Required? Description
userid String Yes The id of the user.
- A userID, should only appear once (one row) in a given file
- IDs must only contain alphanumeric characters.
idtype String Yes Allows Spherical to identify the id type of the userid (IDFA, RIDA, etc)
Refer to the User ID Type section for the full list of supported ID types.

Note The idtype value is case-insensitive.
ips array of ip objects Yes The sightings data for the userID. See below table for ips object details

IPs Object Details

Key Data Type Required? Description
ip String Yes IP4 address. (IPv6 not currently supported)
timestamps Array of Strings Yes The epoch timestamp in which the segment was attributed to the profile. Must be in UTC seconds.


See attached file to this page for a comprehensive set of files including the .md5 and .done files.


How often should I send sightings data to Spherical?

As a best practice, when clients see activity on a userID, they should send:

  • Min. - 1 timestamp per customer ID + IP per day, 
  • Max. - 12 timestamps per customer ID + IP per hour.