Passing User Consent


This article provides instructions for communicating user consent in the segmentmembership file. Clients can communicate user consent with a consent flag and/or by including the TCF string obtained and the collected data within the record. 

The below details how the consent and tcfconsent strings can be included in the JSON object of the segment membership file.

Key Data Type Required? Description
consent Boolean Yes, unless tcfconsent key is passed Instructs Lotame as to whether you have obtained consent for the user/record. 
- true = yes, consent has been provided
- false = no, consent has not be provided

- If blank, false, or set to anything other than true, Lotame will skip the user record.  
- Alternatively, you can use the tcfconsent key for EMEA users.
tcfconsent String Yes, unless consent key is passed For EMEA users, you can provide the TCF consent string that was obtained along with the collected data included in the record
- If blank or Lotame’s vender ID (95) does not have proper consent, Lotame will ignore the user record
- Alternatively, you can use the consent key

Example JSON

{"userid":"e1ec57335975afb3eb81c898d09cf9b9","idtype":"PID","segments": ["1","2"],"consent":true}
{"userid":"e1ec57335975afb3eb81c898d09cf9b9","idtype":"PID","segments": ["a","b"],"tcfconsent":"CPS0IbiPS0IbiABAMBFRACCsAKgAAAPAAIYgAvwAwAAgAEAC-AAxEAA"}