Use Case: Sending Behaviors to Spherical


Deliver a file with your data, containing userIDs and behaviors (segments), to ingest data into the Spherical platform account. This process will create behaviors on the Spherical platform. 

Below is the description of the details needed for the segmentmembership.json.gz file to successfully transmit behaviors to Spherical. Combine this with the Transfer Mechanisms and File specifications pages to complete the integration.

When sending behaviors to Spherical, Lotame supports the below fields to pass the appropriate information to the userID you pass.

File Specification

Core JSON Object

Key Data Type Required? Description
userid String Yes The id of the user.
- A userID should only appear once (one row) in a given file
- IDs must only contain alphanumeric characters.
idtype String Yes Allows Spherical to identify the ID type of the userid (PID, IDFA, RIDA, etc)
Refer to the User ID Type section for the complete list of supported ID types.

Note The idtype value is case-insensitive.
segments Array of Objects Yes Behaviors that you want to associate with the userid. You can pass sighting recency by passing a time stamp inside the object if needed.
Refer to the below “Segment Object Details” table to pass these values.

Note: You can specify the recency of the behavior by including a timestamp inside the object.
consent Boolean Yes, unless tcfconsent key is passed Instructs Lotame as to whether you have obtained consent for the user/record. 
- true = yes, consent has been provided
- false = no, consent has not be provided

- If blank, false, or set to anything other than true, Lotame will skip the user record.  
- Alternatively, you can use the tcfconsent key for EMEA users.
tcfconsent String Yes, unless consent key is passed For EMEA users, you can provide the TCF consent string that was obtained along with the collected data included in the record
- If blank or Lotame’s vender ID (95) does not have proper consent, Lotame will ignore the user record
- Alternatively, you can use the consent key
ips array of ip objects No The sightings data for the userID. See the below table for ips object details
remove String No Segments to remove from the userid. It is specifically applicable when sending delta files daily.

Segment Object Details

Key Data Type Required? Description
name String Yes Behavior that you want to associate with the userid.
It is preferred segments are alphanumeric with no special characters.
timestamp Integer No The epoch timestamp in which the segment was attributed to the profile. Must be in UTC seconds.

IPs Object Details

Key Data Type Required? Description
ip String Yes IP4 address. (IPv6 not currently supported)
timestamps Array of Strings Yes The epoch timestamp in which the segment was attributed to the profile. Must be in UTC seconds.


Example: Passing in Behaviors Only:

{"userid":"e1ec57335975afb3eb81c898d09cf9b9","idtype":"PID","segments": ["1","2","arts & music"],"consent":true}
{"userid":"e480a48a23eb8c6b82401048c3456945a7020ad0470402219bcec770d43b406e","idtype":"PANO","segments": ["rockmusic"],"consent":true}

Example: Adding Recency to a Behavior:


Example: Adding Sightings information to a Behavior:


Example: Remove Behavior from a UserID:

{"userid":"e1ec57335975afb3eb81c898d09cf9b9","idtype":"PID","segments": ["1","2","arts & music"],"remove": ["rock music"],"consent":true}

Example: Kitchen Sink of all above as we support all options in the same file:

{"userid":"e1ec57335975afb3eb81c898d09cf9b9","idtype":"PID","segments": ["1","2","arts & music"],"consent":true}
{"userid":"e480a48a23eb8c6b82401048c3456945a7020ad0470402219bcec770d43b406e","idtype":"PANO","segments": ["rockmusic"],"consent":true}