TCF 2.2
OVERVIEW Lotame enforces a Strict Consent policy for the EEU region for ALL clients (platform, data providers, sync channels, etc). This enforcement is only on requests coming in client-side.…
User ID Syncing with Sync.js - Detailed Reference Guide
OVERVIEW This page provides reference details for all available Lotame Sync.js Tag functionality. If you need further assistance, please get in touch with Lotame by submitting a Support ticket form…
Enabling Lotame Panorama ID™ via Amazon Publisher Services Connections Marketplace (CxM)
OVERVIEW Identity is essential in today’s digital advertising ecosystem. Lotame Panorama ID is now available to publishers via Amazon’s Connections Marketplace.…
Google ESP/SS (Secure Signals) Activation for Bidders
OVERVIEW This article is specifically for bidders. For publishers please view this article. The Lotame Panorama ID is now available to read out of the Google Ad Manager service,…
Case Study: Marcus Thomas Proves 1st/3rd Party Data is Addressable in Cookieless Browsers — Without Email
OVERVIEW Identity solution achieves ~34% lift in reach across Safari / Firefox in publisher direct campaigns. Creative agency Marcus Thomas thrives on the impossible.…
Case Study: Banana Boat Future Proofs Data Targeting & Scale in Cookieless World
OVERVIEW In this case study, industry-wide collaboration proves cookieless targeting works today. Sunscreen brand, Banana Boat, relied on programmatic audience targeting to reach its audience at…
LT.js Pre-Implementation Setup
OVERVIEW Learn the required steps to set up your Spherical account for deploying Lightning Tag. Before deploying the Lotame Lightning Tag on your site, you must establish the following settings…
LT.js Detailed Reference Guide
OVERVIEW This page provides reference details for all available Lotame Lightning Tag functionality. It assumes you have already completed the pre-requisites and steps in the basic implementation on…
How to Implement the Lotame User ID Module in Equativ (fka Smart Adserver)
OVERVIEW Equativ (Smart Ad Server) is an ad server and natively integrated SSP. Details on implementing the Lotame User ID Module are detailed in this article.…
Case Study: Lotame & MediaMath Prove Cookieless Targeting Can Drive Addressability in the Future
OVERVIEW Lotame Panorama ID reaches more people, more efficiently in cookieless third-party data test. This leading global financial brand wanted to get ahead of testing identity solutions to…
LT.js Implementation FAQs
OVERVIEW Gain a deeper understanding of Lightning tag and how it works through these common questions and answers. Why don't I see audiences being sent to my ad-serving solution?…
How To Test For the Lotame Prebid User ID Module
OVERVIEW These are the steps to test if the Lotame Panorama ID User ID module is deployed and working on a prebid enabled website. Here is a test page where you can walk through these steps to see…
How to Implement the Lotame User ID Module in Magnite
OVERVIEW Magnite is a leading independent sell-side ad platform. Details on implementing the Lotame Uuser ID Module in Magnite are detailed below. Magnite’s Prebid-as-a-service solution makes it easy…
Adding Panorama ID to Google ESP/SS (Secure Signals for Publishers)
OVERVIEW Google Secure Signals (Secure Signals from Publishers) enables publishers to share universal identifiers with supply-side and buy-side platforms of their choice via Google Ad Manager.…
User ID Syncing with Sync.js - Developer Guide
OVERVIEW This page provides reference details for all available Lotame Sync Tag functionality. The Lotame Sync Tag is a lightweight JavaScript, that performs user ID syncing in all browser…
OVERVIEW This article provides the top questions received regarding the Single-Sign-On (SSO) capability. Does enabling SSO impact existing user accounts? In short, no.…
Case Study: OMD Drives Double the Scale & Cost- Effectiveness with Data + Identity
OVERVIEW Through Lotame's Data Marketplace Buyer solution, OMD's global luxury auto brand reaches more people, more efficiently than cookies through Lotame Panorama ID.…
LT.js Data Collection Guide
OVERVIEW Data collection with Lightning Tag can be facilitated in multiple ways: Execution of data collection rules set up in conjunction with Lotame’s Technical Support Team Client supplied data via…
Case Study: OMD Dominicana - Lotame Tech Solutions Drive 5X Increase in Leads
OVERVIEW OMD Dominicana uses Lotame’s Audience Management solution to engage prospects for regional bank. The agency's banking client sought new prospects for its personal loan product in the first…
Lotame Panorama ID User ID Module for Prebid
OVERVIEW This technical reference is for publishers using the Prebid.js, the programmatic industry’s leading client side, free to use, open source, Header Bidding platform.…
Prebid and the User ID Module
OVERVIEW This articles describes Prebid and the User ID Module and details adaptors and modules, optional features allowing custom functionality into the core prebid frameworks.…
Case Study: Cookieless identity solution drives better performance for marketer and incremental yield for publisher
OVERVIEW Rush Street Interactive and Advance Local team up with Lotame for hyper targeted, data-rich addressability. Rush Street Interactive (RSI), a trusted online gaming and sports entertainment…
How to Implement the Lotame User ID Module in Pubmatic
OVERVIEW PubMatic provides a cloud infrastructure platform for digital advertising for app developers and publishers. Details on implementing the Lotame Uuser ID Module in Pubmatic are detailed below.…
Build Prebid From Source to Include The Lotame Panorama User ID Module
OVERVIEW Building the prebid.js library with your choice of adaptors and modules is the best option for publishers looking to have the most direct control over the code running on their sites for…
Instructions for SSPs Adopting the Panorama ID in the Bidstream
OVERVIEW SSPs looking to accept the Lotame Panorama ID in the bidstream from prebid and User ID module enabled publishers can take advantage of this capability easily.…